
Thursday 26 July 2018

Natraul Disasters

WALT: Research about a natural disaster and define what it means to us 

Today the Kia Manawanui syndicate was talking about natural disasters. A natural disaster is a harmful event that can happen at any time not created by man but created by the earth's movement. Natural disasters are created in many ways for example an earthquake can cause a landslide. I think humans are not contributing in making natural disasters worst because if we were then that would mean we are kind of killing ourselves. A hurricane is a heap of dangerous wind that travels through the pacific island and the atlantic ocean. 

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Wednesday 25 July 2018


Today the Kia Manawanui is researching about natural disasters. The natural disaster I was researching about was Hurricanes because I find Hurricanes very attracting and interesting. According to my research I found out that Hurricanes usually occur in the pacific ocean, I also found out that Hurricanes begin as tropical storms. Another awesome fact about Hurricanes is that the Galveston Hurricane of 1900 remains the deadliest natural disaster in U.S. history.
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One thing I would like to learn about Hurricanes is why do they start as tropical cyclones and not earthquakes or any other natural disaster.
Have you ever experienced a Hurricane ?
😶Comment Down Below😶

Tuesday 24 July 2018

E-asttele Maths Test

Today the Kia Manawanui syndicate had an e-asttle maths test it wasn't any type of maths test it was different. This maths test was to see what we already know about decimals and percentages this was to show our Science teacher Mrs Fepuleai  how much we know. One thing I found challenging was answering the questions faster and also thinking of diffrent strategies to get my answer.
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My next steps will be to think of diffrent strategies to get answers and to work on my decimals and percentages more. What I enjoyed about this test was answering different kind of questions that were even more challenging because I really like challenges. One thing I could improve on is maybe answering slower and taking my time instead of rushing and not thinking about the question.

Would you rather take your time and answer slowly or rush and not think ? Comment down below   

Monday 23 July 2018

My First Blog Reflection For Term 3 2018

In the holidays I did a lot of exciting things and one of them were with my family the other was with my friends. One exciting thing I did in the holidays was celebrate my birthday by going to the movies and watching a movie called Incredibles 2. The other thing that I got for my birthday was v bucks, v bucks is a sort of money in a game called Fortnite, v bucks is what you buy with real money to be able to buy clothes,axes,gliders and dances. I play this game at least 6 hours a day the other exciting thing that I did in the holidays playing the game Fortnite with my friend because, it was really fun getting kills and winning. This gave me a chance to catch up with my friends and to see how good they are at the game. What I find challenging in Fortnite is surviving the longest and getting at least 3 kills each game.
Image result for v bucks logo pngImage result for fortnite logo png What I am really looking forward to this term is sports and Tongan language week. Why you might be thinking well I am a Tongan myself and I am very proud to be a Tongan and I really like sports especially Rugby. What I want to improve on this term is my maths and building positive relationships because I am not really well with others and I don't really like to speak in front of others that I don't know well. 

  Image result for sharks nrl png   Image result for maths pngImage result for tongan nrl png